What causes color blindness? Popular Questions
Color blindness, also known as color vision deficiency, is a condition that affects many people. It is estimated that the most common type of color blindness is red-green color blindness. This condition has various types, each characterized by a distinct impairment in perceiving specific colors. Understanding the different types of color blindness and the factors contributing to this condition is crucial. We will also learn the intricacies of color vision tests and the underlying causes behind the diverse manifestations of color vision deficiency.
What is Color Blindness
Dyschromatopsia, commonly known as color blindness or Daltonism, is a congenital condition, occasionally acquired, affecting vision and characterized by an abnormal perception of colors. The clinical presentation varies depending on the form of the disease, with patients experiencing a loss of the ability to distinguish one or more colors to varying degrees. Diagnosis is typically conducted through assessments such as the Ishihara test, the FALANT test, anomaloscopy, and Rabkin’s polychromatic tables. Despite lacking specific treatment methods, symptomatic therapy involves the use of glasses with special filters, contact lenses for color blindness correction, and, alternatively, specialized software and cybernetic devices for working with color images. The condition is named after English chemist J. Dalton, who, having a hereditary form of the disease, documented it in his works in 1794. It predominantly affects males (2-8%), occurring in only 0.4% of women. Statistical data indicates a prevalence of 6% for deuteranomaly, 1% for protanomaly, and less than 1% for tritanomaly (blue green color blind)in men. Achromatopsia, the rarest form of color blindness, occurs at a frequency of 1 in 35,000 and has been linked to an increased risk with close blood marriages.
Causes of Color Blindness
Color perception in the eyes is attributed to specialized retinal photoreceptors called cones. These cones, categorized by the pigment they contain, respond exclusively to the red, green, or blue spectrum. The combination of these three primary colors forms the wide array of colors we perceive.
Color blindness often results from a deficiency in one type of pigment within the cones, impeding their ability to fulfill their color-perceptive role. Complete color blindness, a rare occurrence, transpires when none of the three photoreceptor groups function. In such cases, vision relies solely on rods, which can only distinguish images in black and white.
Congenital color perception disorders stem from a genetic mutation in the X chromosome. The hereditary form is more prevalent in males, inherited from carriers of the defective gene, typically their mothers. Women may exhibit color blindness if their father carries the condition and their mother is a carrier. Genome mapping has identified over 19 different chromosomes and approximately 56 genes associated with color blindness.
Acquired color blindness results from damage to the occipital lobe of the brain caused by various factors such as trauma, tumors, strokes, post-concussion syndrome, or retinal degeneration. It can also be linked to age-related macular degeneration, Parkinson’s disease, cataracts, diabetic retinopathy, or exposure to ultraviolet radiation.

Types of Color Blindness
Color blindness is categorized into various types based on the functionality of different cones in the eyes, each responsible for perceiving specific wavelengths of light. Understanding the role of cones is crucial in comprehending the types of color blindness.
Cones are specialized nerve cells in the eyes that detect colors within the visible spectrum of light. Born with three types of cones, each responding to varying wavelengths, individuals typically experience full-color vision. The three types are:
- Red-sensing cones (L cones): Detect long wavelengths (around 560 nanometers).
- Green-sensing cones (M cones): Detect middle wavelengths (around 530 nanometers).
- Blue-sensing cones (S cones): Detect short wavelengths (around 420 nanometers).
Color vision deficiency arises when at least one type of cone malfunctions, affecting the traditional perception of colors. Specific categories describe the presence and functionality of cones:
- Trichromacy: All three types of cones are present, enabling full-color vision.
- Anomalous trichromacy: All three cones are present, but one is less sensitive to light, resulting in variations from mild to severe color perception differences.
- Dichromacy: One type of cone is missing, leading to difficulties distinguishing fully saturated colors.
- Monochromacy: Only one type of cone is present or no cones function, causing limited or no ability to see color.
Within these categories, color blindness can be further specified:
- Red-Green Color Blindness:
- Protanopia: L cones (red-sensing) are missing.
- Deuteranopia: M cones (green-sensing) are missing.
- Protanomaly: L cones are less sensitive to red light.
- Deuteranomaly: M cones are less sensitive to green light.
- Blue-Yellow Color Deficiency (Tritan Defects):
- Tritanopia: S cones (blue-sensing) are missing.
- Tritanomaly: S cones are less sensitive to blue light.
- Blue Cone Monochromacy: Only S cones are present.
- Rod Monochromacy (Achromatopsia): Most or all cones are missing or non-functional, resulting in a grayscale vision.
Understanding these types of color blindness provides insights into how individuals perceive the world, and it underscores the significance of cones in the visual process.
Symptoms of Color Blindness
Color blindness, a condition linked to a recessive gene, becomes clinically apparent in the absence of a normal X chromosome, occurring in males with XY gametes or females with two defective X chromosomes, though the latter is rare. Typically, mothers act as carriers of the abnormal genetic material, passing the condition to their sons.
The primary indicator of color blindness is a disturbance in the perception of one or more colors. The severity of the condition varies, ranging from an inability to distinguish individual shades to a grayscale vision.
In cases of abnormal trichromasia, patients perceive certain shades of red, blue, or green as faded, dull, dark, or overly light. Dichromasia involves the complete misdifferentiation of one color, with deuteranopes seeing green as pinkish or pale orange, and protanopes interpreting red as brown, gray, or, less frequently, black or dark green. In the rarer form of color blindness, tritanopia, perception of the blue-violet palette and twilight vision is often impaired.
Monochromasia represents a more severe disorder. Alongside impaired color perception, individuals with color blindness may experience heightened light sensitivity, reduced vision, and nystagmus—an uncontrolled, chaotic, and frequent oscillation of the eyeballs.

Color Blindness Detection
Color blindness detection can be initiated by individuals or during assessments for military service, underground work, or obtaining transportation permits.
Examinations by ophthalmologists include various tests like measuring intraocular pressure, fundus examination, visual field testing, autorefraction, and slit-lamp microscopy.
Common diagnostic methods for men, women, and children include the Ishihara color test and Rabkin’s polychromatic tables. Anomaloscopy is used in disputed cases, assessing color vision requirements. The FALANT test in the US is for military service fitness assessments.
In mild cases, symptoms may go unnoticed, making detection incidental during routine check-ups or obtaining a driver’s license.
Genetic analysis can diagnose color blindness caused by X-chromosome mutations. For infants, electroretinography is used, capturing retinal responses to red, green, and blue light.
Color Blindness Treatment
There are no specific treatment methods for congenital color blindness, and color blindness resulting from genetic conditions like Leber’s amaurosis or cone dystrophy is also not responsive to therapy. Symptomatic treatment involves the use of glasses and contact lenses with tinted filters to alleviate the clinical manifestations of the condition. Various types of contact lenses designed for color blindness correction, available in different colors, aim for 100% success in the Ishihara test to determine their effectiveness. Additionally, specialized software and cybernetic devices like AI-borg, cybernetic eyes, and GNOME have been developed to enhance color palette orientation during tasks.
In certain cases, addressing the underlying disease, such as neurosurgical treatment for brain injuries or cataract surgery, may help alleviate acquired color vision impairment symptoms.
While the prognosis for life and employability in individuals with color blindness is generally favorable, the condition does impact their quality of life. Color blindness diagnosis may limit career choices in professions where color perception is crucial, such as military service, commercial driving, and healthcare. Some countries, like Turkey and Romania, restrict individuals with color blindness from obtaining driver’s licenses.
There are no specific preventive measures for this condition. Non-specific preventive strategies involve genetic counseling for families with close blood relationships when planning pregnancy. Regular eye examinations, twice a year, are recommended for individuals with diabetes and progressive cataracts. Additionally, during the early stages of a child’s education with a color perception defect, it is advisable to use specially designed materials like charts and maps with high-contrast colors.
Insights into Color Blindness and Visual Perception
In conclusion, the study of color blindness, or color vision deficiency, unravels the intricate tapestry of human vision. The term “color blind” or “colorblind” encompasses various conditions, with red-green color blindness standing out as the most common type. Understanding the different color blind types and the broader spectrum of color deficiencies is crucial in diagnosing and addressing these conditions. Delving into the nuances of color deficiency has far-reaching implications, from the realms of medicine to genetics, offering insights into the intricate mechanisms of our visual perception.
Color vision deficiency typically stems from genetic factors, with most individuals inheriting it from their parents. The condition manifests because of variations in the genes responsible for color perception.
Color blindness encompasses monochromatism, dichromatism, and anomalous trichromatism. Dichromatism and anomalous trichromatism further categorize into three types of faulty cones: tritanopia (blue light), deuteranopia (green light), and protanopia (red light).
Generally, there are no direct treatments for most forms of color vision deficiencies, unless they result from specific medications or eye conditions. Ceasing the medication causing the vision issue or addressing the underlying eye ailment may potentially improve color vision.