Interesting Ideas for Kids and Adults
This material is suitable for children of any school age.
These developments are suitable for those who teach or want to teach a visually impaired child mathematics.
Of course, the main task in teaching such children is to preserve the residual vision. At the same time, such a child needs to be taught to orientate in the surrounding space. Education should be closely linked to life. The lessons form personality traits necessary for integration into the modern world – logical thinking, creativity, communicability, good imagination, and the ability to plan. Competent teaching of mathematics helps in the development of such qualities.
When working with a visually impaired child, a teacher must understand that expanding the existing stock of spatial representations and mastering geometric material cannot be productive if the student only listens to the teacher. As Confucius said: “Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.”
Through practical work, it is possible to convey (feel) that mathematics is a part of our daily life, it is around us. Children eagerly engage in practical activities because during work students see, hear, feel, touch, and sense.
Practical Work “Cylinder”.
In this practical work, we will be making decorative items in the shape of a cylinder. You can create a stylish item that will captivate everyone’s attention.
Equipment: epoxy resin for casting, modeling clay, paper strips, and glue.
Epoxy resin is a unique material that helps bring interesting modeling ideas to life. The material is safe to use, odorless, and does not emit toxic substances. Additional materials such as wood, dried flowers, shells may also be required.
During the practical work, students work in groups. The visually impaired student should be involved in the general course of the lesson and comment on the constructions being made. The “hand-in-hand” method can be used to help the visually impaired student glue the models better.
Handmade work is always exclusive. We teach children not only mathematics but also create beauty together. Children’s imagination is limitless, and as a result of the work, general academic skills and cognitive activity methods are formed. It is important to develop knowledge in the field of geometry for further success in life.
After completing the work, it’s necessary to allow some time for the resin to solidify (approximately 24 hours).
On the next day, children work with their cylinder models.
Questions: Why is the cylinder called a round body? Why is the cylinder considered a body of rotation?
On the board, we draw a rectangle and show its rotation around one of the sides.
Question: What are the generatrices of a cylinder?
Show the lateral surface of the cylinder. What is the total surface area of the cylinder?
Many questions about the cylinder can be answered with the help of the model made by the students.

Teaching mathematics, as well as teaching any other subject, should address educational, upbringing, and practical tasks.