Blind people facts: Myths and Reality
Welcome to a journey into the fascinating world of blind individuals, where misconceptions give way to enlightening truths. Delving into blind facts reveals the resilience, adaptability, and diverse capabilities that define the lives of individuals living with blindness. In this exploration, we’ll unravel the facts and realities that shape the lives of people living with blindness. The life of a blind person is a tapestry of rich experiences, demonstrating strength, creativity, and a unique approach to daily challenges. Let’s learn facts about blindness!

Facts about blindness
- It’s astonishing that 80% of global vision issues could be prevented or cured through timely medical intervention and regular eye check-ups. Among adults aged 50 and above, cataracts stand out as a primary cause of blindness, a condition that is effectively treatable through surgical procedures. Initiatives led by organizations like the World Health Organization aim to eradicate preventable causes of blindness, especially in developing nations.
- Approximately 121 million people experience visual impairment due to uncorrected refractive errors, such as near-sightedness, far-sightedness, or astigmatism. Virtually all of these individuals could regain normal vision by using eyeglasses, contact lenses, or undergoing refractive surgery.
- Originally, Napoleon’s spies employed braille as a method to read messages in the dark. Later, Louis Braille, a Frenchman who lost his sight at a young age, adapted and refined this tactile system into the braille writing system we recognize today. Introduced in 1824, braille has since become an essential tool for individuals with visual impairments, offering a tactile means to read and write. The system employs raised dots arranged in specific patterns, representing letters, numbers, or symbols, enabling blind and visually impaired individuals to independently access written information through the sense of touch.
- Individuals with visual impairments often face frequent nightmares. Research suggests that blind individuals experience up to four times as many nightmares as their sighted counterparts. This increased prevalence can be attributed to the heightened sense of vulnerability faced by those with visual impairments, as they navigate a world with limited visual cues, potentially leading to a heightened sense of threat and anxiety. The intricate interplay between sensory perception, emotional responses, and the subconscious mind contributes to the unique sleep experiences of individuals living with blindness.
- Approximately 1 in 30 Europeans encounters the challenges of sight loss, highlighting the significant prevalence of visual impairments across the continent. This statistic underscores the widespread impact of vision-related issues on individuals’ lives, affecting various aspects such as daily activities, education, and employment.
- Prevalence of Visual Impairment (2016). The data presented here, focusing on adults aged sixteen and above who reported significant vision loss and were part of the non-institutionalized civilian population, is extrapolated from the 2016 American Community Survey findings. Cornell University’s Employment and Disability Institute (EDI) provided the interpretation of these estimates unless otherwise specified. These figures represent the number of individuals, both male and female, spanning ages sixteen to seventy-five and above, encompassing all races and ethnicities, and with varied education levels in the United States who reported experiencing visual disabilities in 2016.
Total (all ages) 7,675,600 (2.4%) Total (16 to 75+) 7,208,700 (2.83%) Women 3,946,300 (3.01%) Men 3,262,300 (2.65%) Age 16 to 64 4,037,600 (2.0%) Age 65 and older 3,171,100 (6.6%) - Approximately 1.4 million children under the age of 15 face the challenge of blindness, a condition that significantly impacts their development and daily lives. However, the encouraging aspect is that nearly half of all cases of childhood blindness are preventable through timely medical interventions and addressing congenital abnormalities like cataracts and glaucoma. Childhood blindness can stem from various causes, including genetic factors, infections, nutritional deficiencies, and complications during birth. Among these, conditions like cataracts, glaucoma, and infectious diseases contribute significantly to visual impairment in children. Cataracts, for instance, involve clouding of the eye’s lens, and glaucoma results from increased pressure within the eye, both of which can be effectively treated if detected early.
- Indeed, it might sound surprising, but guide horses have emerged as a viable and unique option for some individuals with visual impairments. These miniature horses are specifically trained to perform the same tasks as guide dogs, offering an alternative for those who might face challenges with traditional guide dogs, such as allergies or fear. Guide horses are intelligent, adaptable, and capable of assisting individuals in navigating their surroundings. They undergo rigorous training to learn commands, respond to obstacles, and guide their handlers safely. Their smaller size compared to traditional guide dogs allows them to be a practical choice for individuals who may have concerns about managing larger animals. One significant advantage of guide horses is that they are hypoallergenic, addressing the needs of individuals with allergies to dogs. Additionally, some people may feel more comfortable and at ease with a guide horse, especially if they have a fear or phobia of dogs.
- Individuals who are congenitally blind may be spared from developing schizophrenia, a severe mental disorder characterized by disruptions in thought processes, emotions, and social functioning. However, this doesn’t mean they are exempt from facing other neurodevelopmental challenges. Research suggests that those born blind may be at an increased risk for autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Autism spectrum disorder is a complex neurodevelopmental condition that affects social interaction, communication, and behavior. While the exact relationship between congenital blindness and the risk of autism is not fully understood, studies have shown a potential association. The absence of visual input from birth may lead to alterations in the development of neural circuits, influencing social and communicative skills in a way that could contribute to the risk of ASD.
- The observation that individuals who are blind exhibit similar facial expressions as those with sight, including smiles and frowns, suggests the innate nature of facial expressions. This implies that these expressions are not learned behaviors but rather inherent aspects of human communication that are present from birth. Facial expressions are considered a universal form of nonverbal communication, transcending cultural and linguistic boundaries. They play a crucial role in conveying emotions, intentions, and social cues. Research indicates that even individuals who have been blind from birth exhibit facial expressions that align with the emotional content of a situation, further supporting the idea that these expressions are deeply ingrained in human nature. Moreover, studies have shown that blind individuals may develop enhanced sensitivity to subtle facial cues through heightened reliance on other sensory modalities, such as touch and hearing. This adaptability underscores the remarkable plasticity of the human brain, which can compensate for the absence of visual input by refining other perceptual abilities.
Myths about blindness

Myth 1: Blind people don’t blink
Truth: Can blind people blink? The ability to blink depends on the underlying causes of blindness. In instances where individuals are congenitally blind, their eyes may outwardly appear normal, akin to those of sighted individuals. However, despite this normal appearance, congenitally blind individuals lack the visual capacity. They can perform blinking movements, similar to sighted individuals, by closing their eyes in a customary manner.
Conversely, individuals who experience blindness due to traumatic incidents, injuries, or other forms of damage may face different challenges. In such cases, if the eyes sustain severe damage, they may be unable to open or close in the usual manner. The optical muscles and nerves responsible for controlling eyelid movement may be extensively damaged, resulting in the loss of the ability to blink.
Myth 2: Blind can’t cry
Truth: Do blind people cry? Certainly, blind individuals have the capacity to cry just like sighted individuals, given that their tear ducts remain functional. Crying is a natural human response to a spectrum of emotions, including sadness, grief, happiness, or physical pain. The ability to cry is not contingent on one’s visual ability.
However, the state of the meibomian glands, responsible for producing tears, plays a crucial role. When these oil glands malfunction, various eye conditions can emerge, such as Trichiasis, Chalazions, Dry Eye Syndrome, MGD (Blepharitis and Meibomian Gland Dysfunction), Styes, and tear duct blockage.
If the tear ducts are blocked or damaged, it hinders the production of tears. For individuals with irreversible blindness and compromised tear ducts, crying becomes challenging due to the inability to generate tears.
It’s important to emphasize that the inability to cry in these cases is not indicative of a lack of emotions or feelings in blind individuals. Rather, it stems from the malfunction of the organ responsible for tear production.
Myth 3: Blind people can’t see at all
Truth: A considerable number of individuals who are blind retain some residual vision. It’s not uncommon for someone identifying as blind to still possess functional eyesight. What does a blind person see? The degree of remaining vision varies among individuals due to the diverse causes of blindness. Certain eye conditions predominantly impact central vision, while others influence peripheral vision. Therefore, if someone describes themselves as blind, it’s entirely possible that they maintain some level of useful sight.
Myth 4: Losing your sight enhances your other senses.
Truth: Blindness doesn’t inherently enhance the biological functioning of your senses like hearing, taste, or touch. However, many blind individuals adapt by utilizing their senses in unique ways to understand their surroundings, such as discerning the direction of moving cars through sound or reading braille with their fingertips. In cases where individuals have been blind since an early age, the brain may undergo rewiring to process sensory information differently, potentially resulting in heightened sensitivity, especially in hearing. Yet, this isn’t a universal experience.
Myth 5: Blind people are helpless and need constant supervision for safety.
Truth: Contrary to common belief, many individuals who are blind or have low vision lead remarkably independent lives. They often navigate their surroundings and daily activities with autonomy. For many, blindness is perceived more as a physical inconvenience rather than a disability, showcasing their resilience and adaptability.
In conclusion, unraveling the facts about blind people goes beyond mere statistics. From navigating daily life using innovative techniques to shaping a unique perspective on the world, the lives of blind individuals are a testament to the human spirit’s capacity to triumph over challenges. As we delve into the intricacies of being blind, we gain a profound appreciation for the diverse ways in which individuals with visual impairments perceive, experience, and contribute to the rich tapestry of human existence. By understanding these facts, we foster empathy, break down stereotypes, and embark on a journey towards a more inclusive and compassionate society.
Much like anyone else, a blind person’s daily routine involves the ordinary tasks of life. Surprisingly, tasks like doing laundry provide a physical and sensory connection through the tactile experience of folding, smoothing, and organizing items, each with its distinct texture.
Experiencing vision loss can be a profound life-changing event, triggering a range of emotions such as depression, anxiety, loneliness, and more. Seeking support through adjustment classes and therapeutic counseling tailored to the challenges of vision loss can be instrumental in managing emotional well-being and accessing essential resources.
When communicating with a blind individual, it’s crucial to avoid visually-oriented references like “Over there near the green plant.” Describing things from their perspective, not yours, is key. Additionally, supplementing facial expressions or visual cues with verbal guidance enhances effective communication.