Developing Listening Skills. Riddle Tasks

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This material is suitable for children of all school ages.

These approaches are ideal for those who teach or want to teach mathematics to a visually impaired child.

The motto of each lesson: “Listen, hear, analyze. Think, speak. Remember.”

What are the benefits of engaging tasks? They create a bridge from standard problems to non-standard ones. They teach children to think and consider different solutions to problems. For visually impaired children, it is important to be able to plan many actions in their minds. Engaging tasks help develop flexibility in thinking.

Riddle Task #1: There are four corners in a room. In each corner, there is a cat. Opposite each cat are three cats. Each cat has three cats on its tail. How many cats are in the room? Why?


The task must be listened to carefully and analyzed. Only then should the answer be given. Provide the answer with an explanation.

Answer: There are only four cats. Four corners mean four cats. Each cat is in its own corner and sees three other cats. Each cat is sitting on its own tail.

Riddle Task #2: A flock of geese was flying: one in front and two behind; one behind and two in front; one between two and three in a row. How many geese were there in total?


Answer: There were three geese in total. Visualize the flying flock from different perspectives. One goose in front and two behind — three geese. One between two geese — also three geese. Three in a row — the geese are flying one after the other. Again, three geese.

When solving such tasks, a chain of reasoning is necessary. Finding the chain of reasoning that provides the solution to such problems is like uncovering a mystery, which sparks interest in children.

Riddle Task #3: An old man needs to ferry a wolf, a goat, and a cabbage across a river. How can he transport them so that the wolf does not eat the goat, and the goat does not eat the cabbage?

Old man, wolf and goat

Solving this problem requires a complete logical argument. The simplicity and economy of the solution are essential. We find logical conclusions from the given initial conditions. The goat eats the cabbage, the wolf does not eat the cabbage but can eat the goat.

Possible solution:

  1. 1. Ferry the goat across.
  2. Return alone.
  3. Ferry the wolf across.
  4. Take the goat back.
  5. Leave the goat and ferry the cabbage across.
  6. Return alone.
  7. Ferry the goat across.

This problem has two solutions. Children can easily find them.

Riddle Task #4: On the farm, there were geese and piglets. The farm owner and his son went outside. The son asked, “Dad, how many geese and how many piglets do we have?” The father replied, “If we count the heads, there are 25, and if we count the legs, there are 70.” How many geese and how many piglets were there?

geese and piglets

This task is not an oral one and can be solved using an equation. We note that there are 25 heads and 70 legs. Piglets have 4 legs, and geese have 2 legs. Let’s set up an equation:

1) Х – piglets;

25 – Х – geese;

70 – legs.

4Х + 2 * (25 – Х) = 70;

4Х + 50 – 2Х = 70;

2Х = 70 – 50;

2Х = 20;

Х = 20 / 2;

Х = 10 piglets.

2) 25-10=15

So, there are 15 geese.

Many engaging tasks do not require mathematical knowledge but rely on ingenuity and guesswork. Developing auditory attention is essential for further comprehensive learning and communication.
