Developing Hearing Skills. Logical Puzzles

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This material is suitable for children of any school age and will be beneficial for those teaching or wanting to teach mathematics to a visually impaired child.

Logical Puzzle #1: Imagine you are the captain of a ship called “Good Shark.” You have 100 passengers, and you need to sail for another 2 hours. How old is the captain of the ship?

People think long over this puzzle. I ask to listen to the text several times. You need to pay attention to the first sentence. What does it say? “Imagine you are the captain of a ship called ‘Good Shark.’ You are the captain of the ship, so the captain is as old as you are.

Logical Puzzle #2: A rabbit prepared 23 carrots for dinner. All the carrots were eaten except for 5. How many carrots are left?
Answer: Five.

Solving such humorous puzzles develops logical thinking, which is necessary for the intellectual development of any child.

Logical Puzzle #3: How many cats can you fit into an empty box?

Answer: Only one, because after that the box won’t be empty.

Logical Puzzle #4: There are 10 children and a bowl with 10 oranges. How can you distribute the oranges so each child gets one, but one orange remains in the bowl?

Answer: 9 children get an orange each, and the 10th child gets the bowl with the remaining orange.

Logical Puzzle #5: Two fathers and two sons are in a car, but there are only three people in the car. How is this possible?

Answer: The car contains a grandfather, a father, and a son.

Logical Puzzle #6: What can’t speak but always responds when spoken to?

Answer: An echo.

Logical Puzzle #7: Which is heavier: a ton of bricks or a ton of feathers?

Answer: They both weigh the same.

Using such joke-based puzzles, centered on questions and answers, can stimulate the development of not only a child’s logical thinking but also their general erudition.

Logical Puzzle #8: It can be light or heavy, but it weighs nothing. It can be fast or slow, but it doesn’t walk, run, or fly. What is it?

Answer: Music.

Logical Puzzle #9: They can be metallic or liquid. What are they?

Answer: Nails.

Обучение решению нетипичных заданий следует проводить регулярно, подбирая задания, соответствующие возрасту ребёнка.

Logical Puzzle #10: If 7 adults can eat 7 cupcakes in 7 minutes, how long will it take 30 adults to eat 30 cupcakes?
Answer: Seven minutes.

Logical Puzzle #11: If a monkey, a squirrel, and a bird race to the top of a coconut tree, who will get the banana first?
Answer: None, because bananas don’t grow on coconut trees.

Engaging in these playful puzzles stimulates the development of logical thinking and general knowledge in children. Regularly practicing such atypical tasks helps children develop their auditory perception, ingenuity, individual, and creative abilities.
